Ice-O-Poultice reduces swelling and inflammation of swollen leg muscles. It also helps moisturize and draw fever from the legs, hocks, ankles, knees, and pasterns.
Hawthorne’s Ice-O-Poultice, a cooling cataplasm clay-like product, is available in the 4.54kg container. This non-irritating topical product is great when heat liniments can’t be used and is perfect for fresh injuries that become hot or may become hot. We use our poultice daily, after working or racing several of our horses, to draw out the heat. For injuries, our anti-inflammatory medication is applied daily over an extended period of time. If swelling and heat does not subside in 7 – 10 days, please consult a veterinarian or consider a different approach to the injury.
This poultice moisturizes and provides relief to swollen, sore and inflamed legs and muscles. This product is safe to use on all horses including miniatures, performance, pleasure, and draft horses. It is also safe to use on donkeys, camels, cow, goats, alpaca, and lamas and other large animals.