Testimonials & Endorsements

Hawthorne Product’s positive reputation has followed us for over 100 years. Please consider adding your story to our site. Feel free to fill out our Testimonial & Endorsement Submission Form, and let us know how we have helped you and your animals.

“The farrier came on Wednesday… When I got home and looked at Firestar’s feet they look great. The white line is completely gone!!! The seedy toe cracks are still there but they are not advancing, by the next trimming they will be gone. I am still keeping him stalled every day until the ground dries and always during periods of rain. I am still treating the seedy toe with a tiny amount of the Hoof Freeze and packing them with Sole Pack three times a week. I am also continuing to use the hoof dressing on the coronet band twice a week and on the sole once a week. I rode last weekend, first time in over a year. I lunged him a couple of afternoons prior to the morning I rode and I lunged him before riding. We only rode about ¼ of a mile but he did really good.

Thank you for all of your help!!!”

Susan M. Grafton: MCSE, MCSA, MCP
Information Systems Specialist

“My 9 year old barrel horse was born with twisted knees, and was pinned to strighten them out, with working hard and chances of injury after every work out we use ice o gel or ice o poultice. I love ice o gel because a little bit goes along way and i know it works, when my hands start going cold just from applying it. The poultice stays wet much longer than any other brand I have ever used, and i have never had to put water in it to use it. When it comes to races or college rodeos, my mare loses speed running home due to being tired, Windaid fixed that, will never run without it again. My horse actually enjoys taking it no fight or “hurt feelings” after squirting it in her mouth, and it helps bad breath too. Best products EVER, thank you for them!”

Samantha Moore
Concord, CA

“In the spring of 2010, here in Montana, we had a lot of rain, and it continued into the summer. I was keeping my mule in a corral that was on the downhill drainage side. It took quite a while to dry. Consequently, he came up lame. I thought he had contracted thrush, but after treating him for this condition, he didn’t improve. So after further inspection, I found that the white line looked rotted. I hadn’t had any experience with this condition and wasn’t sure what I had or how to treat it. After talking to my farrier, who sheds horses and had seen this condition and informed me we were dealing with white line disease. But now how were we going to treat it?”

“So, I called Kim at Hawthorne Products and told her my problem, and asked if she had a product that would help cure my mule’s white line disease. She said sure and sent me the products I needed. I started by applying the Hoof Freeze and then packed the white line of the frog with Sole Pack and within two days this mule wasn’t lame! I applied both products for another week and turned him out on dry ground. After two weeks, you could still see the gap between the hoof wall and sole, but it was healing. I applied both produccts again. He was turned out for the winter and hasn’t taken a lame step.”

Dale & Ollie

“I am so glad i found your products, I have used a few of them for years and don’t question if they all work ! thank you for helping to make my horses happy.” (Tina wrote this comment when she ordered Hot Nails, Hoof Freeze and iodine.)

Marichael Farm
Oakdale, CT

“I have 2 miniature donkeys and both have white line. My farrier uses your product (Hoof Freeze) and highly recommended that I get some to try and get a handle on this situation.”

Ronald Y
Knoxville, TN

“We use it (Hoof Freeze) for our Dutch Warmblood Jumper, who tends to be iffy in his feet and it was recommended by our farrier to apply before we jump him at horse shows.”

Fern M
Odessa, FL

“I hope all is well. I want to go ahead and order from you directly 2 S-PAKs & 1 Ichthammol as I previously tried to do…It will be my first time shoeing him (my horse) this year. I can tell you, that because I have been using the Sole Pack dressing every other day since the winter months have ended, he is not ouchy in the least. I attribute this to your product….i love the dressing. Although I doubt I will be able to go shoeless all summer long…your products have been the answer to my horses hooves…..THANK YOU so so much…I actually have others in the barn that have problems with their horses hooves etc and they have all asked me what have I done as they have seen the difference and they too want to know more about it as a potential solution….What I like best is sole pack dressings balancing of the hoof….your formula of the pine tar along with the iodine is awesome. Thanks Kim for your personal attention….it speaks volumes of Hawthorne and your commitment to effective solutions in in horse care and Hawthorne as a company…I know i have my farrier’s endorsement as he said this is the best his hooves have looked. Keeping in mind I had him on Smart Hoof Ultra for a year prior to getting on to your products. I know Biotin is a key ingredient but, when the front hooves still couldn’t keep the shoes on….it was time for a change. I will be writing down my routine for 2 of ladies at the farm that inquired and commented the success I have had. If there is anything I can do in addition to pressuring my two main tack shops to carry the s-pak, just let me know. Cheers and thanks.”

Michael P
Crossing, PA
(Taken from 3 emails between Kim Hobson and a customer, Michael)

“My name is Kati Jundt. I use to work for Lyndee Stairs. Well Lyndee got me turned on to your products for all my horses’ needs. I have moved to Southern Arizona and I can not find anyone that carries your product in the whole state of Arizona. So my question to you is would you be interested in letting me carry your product to the barrel races and pro rodeos around here and where ever I go in the United States. I do not have a tack store, but I could sell out of my horse trailer. I just love your products, and I know people around here would too. I go to many of the big barrel races that they have in Buckeye, and I have my WPRA and GCPRA cards. So your product would be seen all over Arizona and the United States. I am going to compete at the GCPRA Finals this weekend, and I’m running out of your products and really would like to restock before I go. I tried to order off your web site, but it won’t get here in time. Lyndee said she would send me some Sole Pack patties. But she is out of the sole pack dresssing. Thank you for your time Kim. …I don’t just love it I won’t go anywhere without it. It has helped my horses so much! Especially in this dry dry climate that dressing really helps my horses feet stay pliable and moistened.”

Best Regards, Kati
McNeal, AZ

“Just wanted to let you know that Mackie is stil doing well. If she starts coughing, I immediately give her some Wind Aid. It has been over a year now that she was so sick. I really believe if I had not put her on Wind Aid, she would have died. She had developed a really bad cough and no tempeature. We had several trips to the vet when he recommeded that I find something with potassium iodine. Wind Aid was the only one I could find. With Hawthorne’s help, I had it right away, and within a few days, she was well. I have recently won 6 AQHA points with Mackie last summer, and with the use of Wind Aid, I hope to be able to continue showing her, even though she is 22 years old.”

Patricia Stoneking

“…Every hundredth of a second counts in barrel racing. So when I am trying to get that little edge over the competition, I rely on Hoof Freeze, Wind Aid, Cool Cast, Ice-O-Gel and Sole Pack. I have been able to maintain peek performance using Hawthorne Products. I use Hoof Freeze to take the sting out of my horses feet so that they will stride out and turn harder. Wind Aid helps my barrel horses to breathe freer and that allows them to run harder also. Ice-O-Gel and Cool Cast help the barrel horses to feel better post race and recover better. That of course, allows them to perform better in the following barrel race. The Sole Pack Hoof Packing is great under your shoe pads and also to pack a horses foot that is tender and traveling to the next race. The Sole Pack Dressing has always keep my horses feet in great shape. “A good horse has to have a good foot or, you won’t win much.”

I have won just about everything there is to win in the California Barrel Racing Circuit. Barrel Racing is our business and our life. So, I am not going to change what has been working. I can use your products right before racing and get that winning edge…”

Thank you to Hawthorne Products

Lyndee Stairs
California WPRA Circuit Champion
California NBHA 1D Champion
Dodge National Circuit Finals Qualifier
Multiple Rodeo and Futurity Champion

“…Thank you, thank you, thank you for your incredible products. I train and race endurance horses. It is a very demanding equestrian sport on many types of conditions and terrains. Hawthorne Products have been a part of my training program. I always carry SolePack in my Easyboots just in case I lose a shoe on the trail and it offers soothing comfort. The SolePack dressing helps keep my horses hooves in excellent condition all race season. Ice-O-Gel is another amazing product. The results are immediate to help tighten the legs after a race or hard workout. I know I can depend on Hawthorne for safe and effective products to keep my horses in competition…”

Thanks again,
Beverly Gray

“…Hope all is well. Thought I would email this information to you. I was at Churchill Downs Sunday morning, following up with a few trainers who received Trainer Welcome Bags, and other samples. When I visited the barn of Tom McCarthy, he was in the process of opening a packet of SOLE PACK, to apply to General Quarters. This is the only horse he trains!!! But, the horse has earned over $1 million!!! Had a terrible trip in the 2009 KY Derby. Recently won the Grade 1 Woodford Reserve Turf Classic for $500,000, and this weekend ran 3rd in the Grade 1 Stephen Foster Handicap. Tom McCarthy said he loved the product samples you guys sent. He then said to let you guys know if you wanted to use General Quarters in ads or other promotions, he would be more then willing to endorse Hawthorne Products. If its OK, I would like to give him your phone number to call…”


“…back in August/September of 2008, I called desperately seeking help with the white line fungus that overtook my three mares. The oldest, Zoolie, had had more than half of her outer hoof wall cut back to expose the fungus to light and air but to no avail. She could hardly walk and this method of treatment for over one and a half years was not proving successful. After I spoke to you bother and you so generously sent the necessary products without charge, I was sure I had the right remedy. I recall your confidence Done when you said to me, “When these products work, (not if they work) please drop me a note.” Well, the treatment worked! I’m sorry the note took so long, but until the outer hoof walls grew down, it was a difficult task to treat the hooves effectively.

I can greatly report, that the girls are doing great! All but one is completely cured, and the remaining shows less and less of the fungus. With all the rain and mud we’ve had here in the northeast, the hoof freeze and sole pack have proven effective in combating the white line fungus. I cannot thank you enough for your great advice, products and most of all your caring and generous attitudes…”

Very truly yours,
Thomas F Cusanelli
T.F.Cusanelli & Fillettie

“…Just a short note to let you know (the) package arrived and (I) saw some improvement within a couple of days. I just wish I could express how very thankful I am to you for what you did for Dawn. I am so very touched that you did so much to help us. There is a place in “heaven,” I am sure, for those who care for those who cannot speak. Wonderful You! If ever I can do anything to repay you – please please let me know.

With much gratitude,

Carol and Dawn (and Rusty….)

“Dear Hawthorne,

I want to thank you for the excellent performance of your Medicated Sole Pack/Paste. I have a 20 year old Thoroughbred mare named Stormy who has spend most of her career as a polo pony.  We played together for many years and since recently retiring from polo we have gone on to enjoy trail riding in my local metro park.

Stormy was diagnosed 14 years ago with Pedal Osteitis, a condition that has left here with a crater in the sole of her left hind foot.  We tried everything to keep her sound and abscess free until a friend recommended your Sole Pack.  We have used your medicated sole pack and a leather pad under here shoe consistently and it has kept her sound and ready to perform throughout her long polo and trail riding career.

Thank you again for this excellent product.  Without it, Stormy would not have all these happy healthy successful years.

Sande Weiler,
Misty Glen Farm – Michigan”

We appreciate all who share their stories. Please feel free to fill out a Testimonial & Endorsement Submission Form to add your story to our site.